Shop OEM and Aftermarket Spares

Next-day, Nationwide
Get next-day nationwide delivery on OEM lights, brakes, suspension, hydraulics, engine, filters, hoses and every other part in between.
Experience added peace-of-mind, knowing that every part comes from our Granville Headquarters (Future House) or PitLane Service & Repair Centre in Redditch, West Midlands.
Parts we supply:
Keith Walking Floor™ Parts
Cargo Floor™ Parts
SAF Axle parts
Nets & sheeter parts
Ejector spare parts
Engine parts
Greg Hamilton
Parts Manager
Mobile: 07748 605 738
Phone: 028 8775 399
Email: -
Hi I'm Greg Hamilton,
Call me nowdedicated parts specialist for bmi.
If something needs a part, I'll help you identify and source genuine OEM parts for your trailer from our vast catalogue of spares.
You can relax, knowing that the parts I send you are the same parts we use in our Pitlane specialist servicing and repair depots both here in Dungannon and in Redditch.
Not sure what you need? Click the links below to call or email me and I'll guide you through a thorough troubleshooting protocol to diagnose the exact part you need, then order it for next-day delivery to anywhere in the UK.