BE PART OF IT Do You want to Learn, Develop and Succeed? Do You want to join our team? bmi trailers are recruiting and will be holding “open door evenings” for the next few...
Open Door Evenings At Bmi Trailers Come join us for our careers open-door event, our first open door evening is tonight from 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm Come along to see if you can BE PART...
Pouvez-Vous Parler Français? Pouvez-vous parler français? Are you looking your the next step in your career? At bmi we offer a future not just a job! This is an exciting opportunity for the...
Today Is World Earth Day Today, bmi trailers are embracing their support of World Earth day. It's our belief that companies across the globe have a corporate responsibility to protect the environment for our future...
Well Done To Our Quality Manager A Huge Well Done to our Quality Manager Cormac for passing his first ISO 9001 Audit. A good effort and a great result with plenty to celebrate over the weekend!...
WE ARE WINNERS WE ARE WINNERS! We are delighted to announce that bmi trailers have won the Manufacturer of the year (under £25M) category in the Made In Northern Ireland Awards! The virtual...