Tip-Ex 2018 Review

Tip-Ex 2018 Review

Tip-ex 2018? We can’t help but feel a little disappointed at the footfall of this year’s show. Despite the weather forecast, the conditions were perfect for two days, the layout was different but poor, and no-one turned up. Even the masses of strollers and baby buggies with parents and kids collecting pens and hats gave it a miss. Does this herald the end of the “SHOW” as we know it? Has the digital/web search finally moved ahead of the traditional showground display? With the obvious decline of other annual “big shows” within the sector, have we finally reached the end of the line now?

I hope not, but fear the worst, as it is always great to get to meet up with customers past, present and future to discuss new designs, old deals and everything in-between. Maybe the lack of new designs, concepts and new experiences is the missing ingredient, or maybe the market is now just awash with too many shows too frequently and is in serious need of a rethink.

Whatever the reasons for this decline in show interest, market uncertainty, costs, timing or apathy, we have to accept the inevitable, the train is slowing down as it heads into the last station. Interesting that the bi-annual shows appear to continue to grow.

As we start the planning to mark our 20 years in the market, bmi trailers will certainly not be attending Tip-ex 2019. If there is going to be a Tip-ex 2020, let’s hope it has a different approach with a new formula and is worth attending both as a funding exhibitor and an interested visitor.

What do you think? As always, we’re interested in hearing your views and thoughts surrounding this topic, and if you attended or exhibited at the show yourself, we'd love to hear about your experience.